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José Magro


Manager of Sustainability and CSR. AENOR

Forestry Engineer (Specialising in Forest-Based Industries). Complutense University of Madrid. 1988–1995; and Master in Environmental Management. ESAE Vivendi Group. Madrid and Montpellier (France). Year 1996

More than 20 years’ experience in the fields of the environment and sustainability. I currently hold the position of Manager of Sustainability and CSR at AENOR, as part of Strategic Marketing Management, and am in charge of handling new trends in matters relating with sustainability, such as:

  • CIRCULAR ECONOMY: Ecodesign, zero waste, waste recovery, specific characteristics of materials (plastics, aggregates, etc.), recyclability, biodegradability, etc, life cycle analysis, environmental product declarations, etc.
  • CLIMATE CHANGE: carbon footprint, water footprint, environmental footprint, verification of emissions reduction and energy efficiency plans, regulatory verification of greenhouse gas emissions).
  • FORESTRY: sustainable forest management certification (forest management certification and forest product chain of custody under the PEFC and FSC schemes), biomass traceability in accordance with AVEBIOM (ENplus scheme), biofuels, etc.
  • GRI, SR10, non-financial information,
  • Sustainable Mining Management, Emergency Management, Event Sustainability.

26-28 February
