Civil engineer specialised in aggregates, concrete and mortar, as well as in quality techniques and tools, with extensive experience in management positions at different levels.
As the Technical Manager of Aggregates and Concrete at Heidelberg Cement Hispania, a global leader in the production of cement, concrete and aggregates, she coordinates the team that carries out the functions of product design and control, technical-commercial advice, and the development of new products and innovative and sustainable products and applications.
As the Technical Manager of Aggregates and Concrete at Heidelberg Cement Hispania, she leads the commitment to Quality in all areas: products, processes and procedures, in addition to providing support, coordinating, raising awareness and communicating with all levels of the company, customers and stakeholders.
She defends the interests of the ready-mix concrete sector, actively collaborating with the National Technical Committee of the ANEFHOP Spanish National Association. And in the aggregates sector, by chairing the Quality Committee of the ANEFA Spanish National Association.
She participates as an expert in Standardisation in the “Concrete” committee of AEN/CTN 83 and as Chairwoman of SC2 Aggregates for Concrete in the “Aggregates” committee of AEN/CTN 146, Spanish equivalents of CEN/TC 104 Concrete and related products and CEN/TC 154 Aggregates.
In Certification she collaborates with the Technical Committee of the N Mark for Structural Concrete of AENOR (AEN / CTC-079). She considers it essential to continue learning in new fields of specialisation, innovation and in particular, sustainability, and to share her knowledge with her team. She also collaborates in events, conferences and publications.
She is used to working in multidisciplinary teams focused on goals and results. Her career is reinforced by her high level of commitment, passion for a job well done, perseverance, discipline, productivity and capacity for hard work applied to the projects she is involved in, characterised by their challenging nature and creativity.